Frequently Asked Questions
Website FAQs
How do I find a specific online tool?
Click "View All Tools" under "Shippers" in the home page navigation for a list of all available tools. Logged-in customers can click on a tool from the dashboard.
How do I get a password?
Go to the registration page, or contact your Account Manager for assistance.
How do I print a quote?
From the quote response screen, click the printer icon located to the right of the quote ID. If you’re logged in, you can also print quotes from the RECENT QUOTES tab. Find the quote you would like to print, click VIEW QUOTE, then click on the printer icon.
How do I create a quote template?
Logged-in customers can create quote templates. This can be done by using a new quote or creating a copy of a recent quote. Enter or update the information you would like saved on the template, then click SAVE AS A NEW TEMPLATE. Log in or register to use this feature.
How do I use a quote template?
To use a quote template, click on the TEMPLATES tab in the quote tool. Find the template you would like to use and click USE. Log in or register to use this feature.
How do I get proof of delivery?
Proof of delivery is available by selecting DELIVERY RECEIPT from the Document Retrieval page. Log in or register to use this tool.
How do I edit a Bill of Lading?
Logged-in customers can edit Bills of Lading (BOL). To edit, click on the Bill of Lading tool, then click on the RECENT BOL tab and locate the BOL to be edited. Click EDIT BOL, make the necessary changes, and click UPDATE BILL OF LADING. This will open the updated BOL in the viewing pane. Log in or register to use this feature.
How do I create a Bill of Lading template?
Logged-in customers can create Bill of Lading (BOL) templates. This can be done by using a new BOL, editing a recently used BOL or creating a copy of a recently used BOL. Enter or update the information you want on the template, then click SAVE AS A NEW TEMPLATE. Add the template name in the dialog box, and click SAVE. The template will now be included within the TEMPLATES tab. Log in or register to use this feature.
How do I use a Bill of Lading template?
To use a previously saved Bill of Lading (BOL) template, click on the TEMPLATES tab in the BOL tool. Find the template you would like to use, and click USE. Log in or register to use this feature.
What is your privacy policy? Is my information secure?
We’re committed to protecting your privacy. The information we collect is used to provide you the most robust internet applications in the transportation industry. The information about you that is stored on our site will never be released without your consent. For more information, read our Privacy Policy.
Who do I contact for help or questions about the website and online tools?
For assistance with the website or online tools, please contact the help desk at 479-785-8900.
Who can I contact about shipment tracking?
For help tracking a shipment, please contact customer service at 800-610-5544 or email
Shipping FAQs
How do I schedule a shipment for pickup?
Easily schedule pickup online or call customer service at 800-610-5544.
How do I check the status of an existing pickup request?
Check the status of an existing pickup request by entering your pickup request number in the Shipment Tracking tool or call 800-610-5544 for assistance.
How do I determine the status of a shipment?
Use our online shipment tracking tool for quick status updates.
How do I schedule a delivery appointment?
Contact your local service center to request an appointment, make changes to an existing appointment or give specific instructions for your appointment.
How do I change the delivery address on a shipment in transit?
Use the Dynamic Rerouting tool to change the delivery address in transit or call 800-610-5544 for assistance. Changes to the delivery address must be made by the paying party and submitted in writing to
How do I find the PRO number for my shipment?
Log in to your account, and click on the SHIPMENT VISIBILITY tool to look up a PRO number using a PO number, BOL number, customer reference number or other information unique to the shipment. For assistance, call 800-610-5544 or email
How do I view my freight charges?
Log in to your account, and click on the BILLING & PAYMENTS tool to review invoices.
How do I get a delivery receipt?
Log in to your account, and click on the DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL tool to view and print a copy of your delivery receipt.
How do I correct the billing and payment terms on a shipment?
Call 800-610-5544 or email for assistance. Changes to the billing and payment terms on a shipment must be made by the paying party on the freight bill.
Space-Based Cubic Minimum FAQs
When did space-based cubic minimum charges go into effect?
The CMC took effect August 1, 2017, for customers subject to the series ABF111 or ARC111 rules tariff.
How is the cubic minimum charge calculated, and how will it apply to my shipments?
To calculate the CMC, measure the shipment then reference the CMC rate table in Item 616 of the ABF111 or ARC111 (LTL Section) to find the applicable price per cubic foot — this is based on dimensions and the mileage from origin to destination. Multiply that rate by the total cubic footage of the shipment to get the CMC charge. If the net linehaul charge (total charges minus accessorial charges and fuel) falls below the CMC charge, the CMC will apply.
Does this change how I get LTL rates online or by phone?
You’ll now be prompted to provide shipment dimensions when you get an LTL quote. Simply give the length, width and height of the shipment, along with details like origin, destination, weight, class and any special services you may need. If shipment dimensions are entered during the quote process and the CMC may apply, you will be notified.
Am I required to provide shipment dimensions?
Shipment dimensions are not required to get a quote; however, they help ensure accuracy. If they’re not provided, we’ll prompt you to add them. If you are unable to provide dimensions, we’ll measure the shipment for you using dimensioners, our Weighing & Research team or our drivers. It’s important to note that the quoted rate is subject to change if dimensions are not provided or are inaccurate.
How are dimensions verified?
We encourage you to write your shipment dimensions on the bill of lading and we will accept the dimensions you submit. Similar to weight verification, dimensions are subject to inspection and verification by the Weighing & Research team.
Does the CMC replace the Density Minimum Charge (DMC)?
If the CMC applies to your shipments, it replaces both the Density Minimum Charge (DMC) and the Capacity Load Minimum Charge (Cap Load).
How will this change the rates for shipments affected by DMC?
This varies by customer. Contact your account manager for questions related to specific shipment pricing.
If my shipments are not subject to the ABF111 or ARC111, will they continue to receive DMC charges?
Yes, if you have DMC rules that do not specifically reference the ABF111 or ARC111 item 611, the DMC will apply as outlined in your tariff.
My Transportation Management System (TMS) is not equipped to handle these changes. What are my options?
While freight dimensions are not required to get a quote, rates are subject to change if they’re not provided. We recommend contacting your TMS provider for assistance.
Does the CMC change my current pricing schedule?
Your current pricing schedule will not be impacted by the CMC. It simply establishes an absolute minimum price per cubic foot.
How will the CMC appear on my invoice?
If the CMC applies to a shipment, the invoice will include a line item adjustment along with the cube measurement and mileage.
Why are you making these changes?
Over the past several years the LTL industry has seen continual growth in cube-dominant shipments, causing a change in shipment profile. Our current pricing structure doesn’t address this change. A shift to space-based pricing allows ArcBest® to be adequately compensated for the value provided with these types of shipments.