Frequently Asked Questions

Website FAQs

How do I find a specific online tool?
How do I get a password?
How do I print a quote?
How do I create a quote template?
How do I use a quote template?
How do I get proof of delivery?
How do I edit a Bill of Lading?
How do I create a Bill of Lading template?
How do I use a Bill of Lading template?
What is your privacy policy? Is my information secure?
Who do I contact for help or questions about the website and online tools?
Who can I contact about shipment tracking? 

Shipping FAQs

How do I schedule a shipment for pickup?
How do I check the status of an existing pickup request?
How do I determine the status of a shipment?
How do I schedule a delivery appointment?
How do I change the delivery address on a shipment in transit?
How do I find the PRO number for my shipment?
How do I view my freight charges?
How do I get a delivery receipt?
How do I correct the billing and payment terms on a shipment?

Space-Based Cubic Minimum FAQs

When did space-based cubic minimum charges go into effect?
How is the cubic minimum charge calculated, and how will it apply to my shipments?
Does this change how I get LTL rates online or by phone?
Am I required to provide shipment dimensions?
How are dimensions verified?
Does the CMC replace the Density Minimum Charge (DMC)?
How will this change the rates for shipments affected by DMC?
If my shipments are not subject to the ABF111 or ARC111, will they continue to receive DMC charges?
My Transportation Management System (TMS) is not equipped to handle these changes. What are my options?
Does the CMC change my current pricing schedule?
How will the CMC appear on my invoice?
Why are you making these changes?