(Fort Smith, Arkansas, January 24, 1995) - Arkansas Best Corporation (the "Company") had consolidated revenues of $1.1 billion for the year ended December 31, 1994 compared to $1.0 billion for the year ended December 31, 1993. During 1994, the Company had net income of $18.7 million, or $.74 per common share (after giving consideration to preferred stock dividends of $4.3 million), compared to net income of $20.3 million, or $.85 per common share (after giving consideration to preferred stock dividends of $3.9 million), for 1993. Revenue and income for 1994 were adversely affected by the 24-day labor strike by the Teamsters' union employees of ABF Freight System, Inc. ("ABF") in April. As a result of the strike, the Company incurred a net loss of $12.7 million during the month of April 1994, which had the effect of reducing earnings per common share by $.62 for the year. The net income for 1994 of $18.7 million, or $.74 per common share, compares to income before extraordinary item of $21.0 million, or $.89 per common share for 1993. During 1993, the Company recorded an extraordinary loss of $661,000 (net of income tax benefit of $413,000), or $.04 per common share, for the loss on extinguishments of debt. Average common shares outstanding for 1994 were 19.4 million compared to 19.2 million for 1993. Outstanding shares for the year do not assume conversion of preferred stock to common shares, because conversion would be anti-dilutive for these periods.
Revenues for 1994 from the carrier operations segment were $919 million, compared to $894 million for 1993. The carrier operations segment had operating profit for 1994 of $35.6 million compared to $41.6 million for 1993. ABF, the Company's largest subsidiary, accounted for 98% of the carrier operations segment revenues. ABF's ICC operating ratio was 96.4% for 1994 compared to 95.8% for 1993. For 1994, ABF's total tonnage increased 1.7%, consisting of a 2.2% increase in LTL tonnage and a 0.2% increase in truckload tonnage compared to 1993. As discussed above, carrier segment operations for 1994 were adversely affected by the labor strike.
On September 30, 1994, the Company entered the freight forwarding market with the acquisition of Clipper Exxpress Company ("Clipper"), a knowledge-based intermodal marketing and freight logistics company, and two affiliated transportation companies. For the three months ended December 31, 1994, the Company reported revenues from forwarding operations of $31 million with segment operating profit of $695,000. Clipper accounted for 91% of the forwarding operations segment revenues.
The Company is engaged through its approximately 46%-owned consolidated subsidiary, Treadco, Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS: "TRED"), in truck tire retreading and new tire sales. For 1994, the Company reported revenues from tire operations of $139 million, compared to $112 million for 1993. Operating profit from the tire operations segment was $11.1 million for 1994, compared to $10.2 million for 1993.
The Company had consolidated revenues of $328 million for the fourth quarter of 1994 compared to $269 million for the fourth quarter of 1993. During the quarter, the Company had net income of $7.3 million, or $.32 per common share, compared to net income of $5.3 million, or $.22 per common share, for the fourth quarter of 1993. The net income of $7.3 million, or $.32 per common share, compares to income before extraordinary item of $5.6 million, or $.24 per common share for the fourth quarter of 1993. During the fourth quarter of 1993, the Company recorded an extraordinary loss of $332,000 (net of income tax benefit of $211,000), or $.02 per common share, for the loss on extinguishments of debt. Earnings per common share gives consideration to preferred stock dividends of $1.1 million for each of the fourth quarters of 1994 and 1993. Average common shares outstanding for the fourth quarter of 1994 were 19.5 million compared to 19.3 million for the fourth quarter of 1993. Outstanding shares do not assume conversion of preferred stock to common shares, because conversion would be anti?dilutive for these periods.
Fourth quarter 1994 revenues from the carrier operations segment were $257 million, compared to $236 million for the fourth quarter of 1993. The carrier operations segment had operating profit for the fourth quarter of 1994 of $12.5 million compared to operating profit of $10.2 million for the fourth quarter of 1993. ABF's ICC operating ratio was 95.6% for the fourth quarter of 1994 compared to 96.0% for the fourth quarter of 1993. For the fourth quarter of 1994, ABF's total tonnage increased 6.9%, consisting of a 7.8% increase in LTL tonnage and a 3.8% increase in truckload tonnage compared to the fourth quarter of 1993.
For the fourth quarter of 1994, the Company reported revenues from forwarding operations of $31 million with operating profit of $695,000.
For the fourth quarter of 1994, the Company reported revenues from tire operations of $35 million, compared to $32 million for the fourth quarter of 1993. Operating profit from the tire operations segment was $3.3 million for each of the fourth quarters of 1994 and 1993.
The following table compares financial data by business segment:

                                           Three Months Ended          Year Ended 
                                               December 31             December 31 
                                            1994        1993        1994        1993 
                                              ($ thousands, except per share data) 
    Carrier operations                  $  265,513  $  236,017  $  918,663  $  893,504 
    Forwarding operations                   31,468          -       31,468          - 
    Tire operations                         34,503      31,777     138,666     111,585 
    Other                                    5,946       1,186       9,625       4,829 
                                           328,430     268,980   1,098,422   1,009,918 
    Carrier operations                      12.519      10,180      35,622      41,645 
    Forwarding operations                      695          -          695          - 
    Tire operations                          3,268       3,341      11,080      10,186 
    Other                                      545        (424)       (250)     (1,193) 
TOTAL OPERATING PROFIT                      17,027      13,087      47,147      50,638 
INTEREST EXPENSE                             2,264       1,465       6,985       7,248 
MINORITY INTEREST                            1,037       1,037       3,523       3,140 
    AND EXTRAORDINARY ITEM                  13,726      10,595      36,639      40,250 
PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                   6,387       4,970      17,932      19,278 
    EXTRAORDINARY ITEM                       7,339       5,625      18,707      20,972 
    Net loss on extinguishments of debt          -        (332)          -        (661) 
NET INCOME                              $    7,339  $    5,293  $   18,707  $   20,311 
    EXTRAORDINARY ITEM                  $     0.32  $     0.24  $     0.74  $     0.89 
    Net loss on extinguishments of debt          -       (0.02)          -       (0.04) 
NET INCOME                              $     0.32  $     0.22  $     0.74  $     0.85 
    OUTSTANDING                         19,491,560  19,288,988  19,351,796  19,193,582 

Contact:      Mr. Randall M. Loyd, Director - Financial Reporting
                     Telephone: (501) 785-6200